Good day parents,
As mentioned in previous emails: Our annual Dance production is in the 4th Term. This email has a huge portion of all you will need to know for the months ahead. Please do not get overwhelmed but excited that we have systems in place to make everything run smoothly for your dancer.
3rd -6th December 2018
The students are so excited to show off what they have learnt in these past few months and this is such a wonderful experience for all the dancers. This newsletter is packed with information in hopes that all questions are clearly answered. Please read carefully so that you don’t miss dates that is important to your child, as attendance to all their classes is a prerequisite for participation.
The studio policy is no more than 3 consecutive lessons missed without a doctor’s letter. Materials have already been purchased and they are well into choreography. Such an exciting season.
Concert Dates:
3rd Dec (Monday) – 6:30pm
4th Dec (Tuesday) – 6:30pm
5th Dec (Wednesday) – 6:30pm
6th Dec (Thursday) – 6:30pm
All cast members to arrive 1 hour prior to the performances with hair and make-up done i.e. 5:30pm prompt arrival time. A Cast call does take place to ensure all are in their change rooms and settled to begin their performance. Please understand that your dancer is participating in all 4 performances. No exceptions to this ruling.
These dates were released in 1st term already, so I’m sure this is just a reminder to most.
Stage Rehearsals:
Venue: Westville Civic Centre
Dates: Please see attachment to this email for your child’s dates and times.
These rehearsals are compulsory so that each pupils understands their stage placements .Your child’s non-attendance affects not only your child but others in the group too.
These stage placements are closed rehearsal, which means no viewing will be permitted prior to the performance.
Ensure your child arrives dressed in their dancing attire as we have tight slot allocations for each group and want your child to enjoy this experience.
Healthy snack box to be provided for the full cast rehearsals.
Photo Shoot:
Venue: Our studio, 35 Manors road, Padfield Park. There is a map on our website should you need directions.
Dates: Please see attachment to this email for your child’s dates and times
Arrive with hair and makeup done 30 min prior to timeslot given, so they can get dressed and ready for the photographer. An envelope from the photographic company will be sent home the week prior with details to fill out and return with correct payment on the allocated photo shoot day.
A DVD will also be available to order if you so wish. The Dance studio will not handle payments to the photographer, so please do not send it to the office as we do not processes his payment.
Kcam digital normally gets some stunning shots out of the dancers which are treasured by the parents.
Costume & Prop hire:
Costume and Prop hire fee covers the hire for all 4 performances. This fee has not increased for the past 2 years and thus needing to increase by R20.
Hire fee now being R220 per routine performing in the production.
Cash payment needs to be in by the 1st of November. Please do not deposit the money into the studio bank account as this money does not belong to fees & the seamstress will only accept one deposit from the studio. Only dance fees are done via eft’s. We need to settle accounts with the different companies for them to release outfits in time. ie no payment & the girls don’t have an outfit.
Please diaries this cut off payment for costume hire. Your support in this makes the event run smoothly and relives me of stress with budgeting. We try our utmost to make this experience affordable.
Backstage Helpers:
In order for our show to run smoothly, we are not able to do this without our wonderful parents.
Our studio really has some amazing families who give of their time so willingly in the past. We are needing Mom volunteers to help us backstage in the change room, to get the dancers dressed & ensure they are on cue when called to perform. It is always a treat when the dancers see a familiar face when getting ready for the stage so it would be stunning if you could assist.
We only allow 2 mothers per group backstage so do fill out the roster in the waiting room at the studio if you are available to assist.
Please note that audience will NOT be allowed into the change rooms as we want to ensure your child is safe at all times. This ruling is set in place for your child’s well being.
Seniors to volunteer in set up:
With age comes responsibility. I am asking that my senior cast becomes involved in prep and clean up with their production. This studio production is growing and the staff are not able to do all set up and breakdown of a show this size without support. Please fill out the schedule you are able to assist with. It actually makes the whole experience more enjoyable if each dancer takes responsibility.
Thank you my lovelies.
Show décor: 2nd Dec Sunday 12:00 – 4:00 pm Westville civic
Show raked seating set up: 3rd Dec 8:00 am
Show table layout: 4th Dec Tuesday 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Packing up the show at the end of the last performance. All seniors are to get involved as part of their studio responsibility.
Washed costumes returned & repacking: 10th Dec 8:00am.
Ticket Sales:
Tickets for the productions will go on sale as from the 20th November at the Westville Civic. A table will be laid out with our seating floor plans but please do prepare beforehand the number of seats you would like, on which night you will be watching. This way the lines are efficient and run smoothly. There is a not card machine facility and we do not pre book seats under any circumstance. We hold first come, first serve policy to make it fair to all the families.
We normally sell out our productions, so ensure you purchase your seats early so as not to be disappointed.
- Monday – Raked seating
- Tuesday til Thursday -Table seating. The table layout normally sells the fastest and is most enjoyable for the whole family.
Dancers remain backstage until the performance has ended on the evening you wish to watch. No cast members may join their families during a performance. Preschool children (from external schools I teach at) may leave after their item if the parents are not watching that night. Otherwise they stay backstage til the end of the production with the volunteer mom allocated.
Ticket Price:
- 3rd Dec Adults R 120 Scholars R90
- 4th – 6th Dec Adults R 130 Scholars R90
Correct change would be so appreciated when purchasing.
Finale T shirt orders:
As per previous years all students of the studio are to wear the show t shirt with their own black pants. T shirt orders have not been finalized as yet and details will be sent soonest.
Meals & Tuck shop:
‘Good Enuf to Eat’ Food Company will be supplying meals once again, as it catered for a number of families and hungry dancers last year. The menu has been altered to accommodate a wider variety of the audience. Cheeseburger/Fries, Chicken salads or Cajun chicken wraps. We will also host Caffe Mobile for the coffee junkies like myself! Life is always better with good food.
Donations or sponsorships:
We love to support local business therefore should you or your company wish to advertise at our event, and then please contact Michele via email.
As a studio we are looking for spot prizes to hand out during the performance as well as an amount to Sponsor a Dancer for 2019. The company is welcome to send a representative to hand these over.
This worked very nicely for some companies and we are very grateful to those that assisted in 2018.
The production program does advertise to those who are in a position to bless.
Christmas Party:
Junior Cast: Studio B
Date: Friday 30th November
Venue: Our studio (35 Manors Rd)
Time: 2pm – 4pm
What to bring:
Preschool/baby ballerinas: Large chips
Pre primary: 2 L cool drink
Primary: Large chips
Test 1/Grade 1: Packet sweets
Grade 2: Packet biscuits
Grade 4: 2 L cool drink
*Party clothes to be worn.
Seniors Surprise: Studio A
Date: 30th November 4:30pm – 7pm. Bring R50,00 and a plate of eats.
Venue: Our studio (35 Manors Rd)
- No normal classes are scheduled on any Stage rehearsal days and photo shoots.
- We will be sending you a calendar Oct, Nov and Dec. Do print out the timetable for the month to make it easier for our busy families.
We hope you have a wonderful experience and are as excited about our upcoming production, as we are! I have loved working with your daughter in preparation for this enjoyable event. If you have any questions, please contact us at the office during work hours, as we would love to make this a dance experience to remember fondly for years to come.
Yours in dance,